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EtoysIllinois Notebook: Projects, Tools, and Techniques

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Author: Kathleen Harness

The SqueakCMI Notebook introduces Squeak to curious beginners with step-by-step descriptions of projects and how they were created. The dynamic projects on screen and provide experiences with of a range of ideas and possibilities that can be combined in many ways and for many purposes.

Section I has two easy projects written to help you get started with Squeak. The projects are followed by a glossary and extensive description of the rich resources, tools, icons, supplies, and conventions that make Squeak what it is.

Section II explains more complicated projects for beginners. They are in alphabetical order by the name of the predominant Squeak tool in that project. The projects are not in sequential order by level of difficulty. The projects can be found further down this page. So if you wonder "What is a scale factor and how could it be used in a Squeak project?" you can find out.

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